Reality as we know it

Damita Sher
2 min readJan 17, 2021

Existence and mortality, two concepts humans fear. We immerse ourselves in work and collect gold coins, a filthy lucre. Alas, what can I say, for this is the bubble we live in.

In the past, a human’s worth is based on the skills and capabilities clearly presented upon us, be it a baker or a knight. These days, one’s worth is based on a piece of paper, achieved through theoretical findings and capabilities to root those implications in our mind for a certain due date. Not indicating that it is a bad thing. Yet, it is not a good thing on its own. On another note, that piece of paper would not guarantee a secure future.

People claim as generations progresses, it gets easier. What is clearly overlooked is that the concept, “resistance to change” is thrown out of the dictionary. Not only humans are forced to constantly adapt to the technological developments and work conditions. Skills and knowledge are easily replaceable.

The world gets easier but as it develops at a speed of light, we humans are catching up. We are playing catch up with technology, trying to prove ourselves that we are smarter than them. This in turn makes us desire to be like one of them. As the saying goes, if you can’t fight it, join them. We are slowly losing our emotional intelligence, trying to please people around us by having a certain status and gaining that sense of actualisation. What was once known to be top of the pyramid, people are sacrificing their life’s worth just to present a mere illusion that their life is a bed of roses.

Forgive me if you disagree. I don’t speak for all but write what I observe. It saddens me seeing people think about others more than ourselves.

For this is the reality as I know it and I am slowly trying to change by stop playing catch up and living in the present moment, not for others but for myself. Would you agree?



Damita Sher

I do coffee runs more than actual runs | Aim to inspire people with the art of writing